Presenter Experience: Scenes (Background)

Presenter Experience: Scenes (Background)

Remember that your media player displays your presenter's webcams. Adding a Scene (Background) to your webinar media player will take your presentation to a new level. You can utilize this technique for customizing the look and feel of your presentation, as well as adding some depth to it by selecting an appropriate layout to display it. 

For starters, without the Scene configuration, your Media Player will display the Webcam Mute Image (either the platform's default one or any uploaded by those who have purchased the feature). Once your presenters activate their webcams, those will fill the Media Player and a black screen will be the default background. 

Scenes (Backgrounds) can be used in conjunction with Overlay images, and Layouts for a totally new experience.


The first step is to select the Scene that you want to display. To do it, go to your account and select the webinar you want to work with. Then go to the Interface Builder option in your left side menu.

Once you have selected this option please go to Media Player Component settings by pressing the Cog icon and selecting the Configure option. Once open just go to the Scene section and press Manage

You will see the Manage Scene window pop-up showing you the Scene that you have currently in use at the left and two Library folders with some premade ones that you can select.  


To use one of the options from the Library, just select the one you prefer and click Save


To upload your own images just press the Browse button below the Scene Preview, and select the scene image from your computer files. If you want to delete the uploaded Scenes just press on the Trash Can Icon below them.


 Supported Image Size and Format

  • Supported resolution: 1920x1080.

  • Supported format: .png.

If you need to resize an image that you want to use, you can use free online tools.

If you want to remove the Scene just press the Clear Scene link below the bottom-left side of the preview screen.

Finally, you will need to follow the instructions to change your Layout (presenter’s webcams) so the Scene can be seen by your audience.
  1. Presenter Experience: Layouts
  2. Presenter Experience: Overlays
For further assistance, contact us through chat or send us an email at

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