Presenter Experience: Overlays

Presenter Experience: Overlays

With the new presenter experience, you have the ability to add overlay images (e.g. Presenter Name, Department, Title) to the Media Player and have them shown on the screen. Each presenter can be labeled with an overlay image that can be uploaded to the platform and placed over their webcams.

Overlay images can be used in conjunction with Scenes (Backgrounds), and Layouts for a totally new experience.


The first step is to upload the Overlays that you want to display. To do it, go to your account and select the webinar you want to work with. Then go to the Interface Builder option in your left side menu.

Once you have selected this option please go to Media Player Component settings by pressing the Cog icon and selecting the Configure option. Once open just go to the Overlays section and press Manage

You will see the Manage Overlays window pop-up here you will see the Upload section to the left and three tabs to the right: In UseLibrary, and Public Library folders.  

To Upload a new image, just press the Browse button and select it.

Supported Image Size and Format

  • Supported resolution: 1920x1080.

  • Supported format: .png.

All the images you upload will be located in the Library folder. To use one or more of the options from the Library, just select the one you prefer by clicking the plus (+) sign. You will notice that the ones selected will change to a check mark and the legend will change from Use to In Use. If you want to delete the images just click the Trash can icon.

The system will show a preview of the image and the size so you can select the correct image with no problems.

Overlays Position

To configure the position of the Overlays in the screen, go back to the In Use tab and click in the image you want to customize. 

The Customize window will appear for the selected Image. Just go to the drop down and select if you want you image to be at the Top, Center or Bottom of the webcam feed. Once selected click Save.

Each image is configured separately.

Once you have some image in use and customized, we are ready for the next configuration step in the Presenter Console.

You need to log in, and connect your Camera and Audio.

Now, please click on the View Presenter button in the top-right menu. Below the presenter’s list you will see the option Manage Experience.

Once you click on it, the Manage Experience window will appear. 

In the Preview Screen, you will be able to see the current Layout used, which in this case should be the Default Mode, and to the right side, you will see the presenter’s list. Here you have the same functionality as in the previous menu with the addition that now you can mute/unmute all cameras and microphones at the same time (at the bottom), but also decide which presenters will participate in the Layout and their positions.

Overlays cannot be used with Default Mode. Read Presenter Experience: Layout to learn how to configure the layout. This can be done before or after the Overlay is configured

For this example we already set the Layouts. Now, click on the Layer button in the top right corner of the preview screen. Then click on the Presenter Webcam that you are going to set first and then on the Overlay Image preview to select it. Do the same with the next one and so on.  If you want to remove the configuration you can click in the Trash can Icon that appeared in the selected Presenter Webcam or press the Clear All button at the Bottom-Left corner. Once finished, press Apply to save the configuration. Press Close to see the configuration in the Manage Experience Preview Screen.

This is completely dynamic so it can be used multiple times during your session, you can provide a TV News production experience.

  1. Presenter Experience: Scenes (Background)
  2. Presenter Experience: Layouts

For further assistance, contact us through chat or send us an email at

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